The first Integrated Circuit was created in 1959 by Fairchild Semiconductor, marking the beginning of microprocessor history that resulted in giving us the advanced computer capabilities we have today. A microprocessor, essentially, is a computer processor that is built on a microchip; its job is to process and execute any instructions it is given. But how does this apply to you? The computer you are using to read this, is employing a microprocessor to transfer data to you.
Microprocessors are extremely advantageous for any computer user. Just a few of these advantages include:
• Low cost– since the cost of making microprocessors is low, the overall cost of the computer system is reduced as well;
• High speed processing– they can carry out millions of instructions per second;
• Small size– allows for a reduction in the size of the computer system as a whole;
• Generates less heat– compared to their counterparts, microprocessors emit far less heat, reducing the chances of your computer overheating.
Microprocessors are made up of a central processing unit (CPU), memory modules, input/output units, and a system bus to keep data moving quickly and effectively. It uses all these components to execute three basic functions:
1. Perform mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division);
2. Transfer data from one memory location to another;
3. Use instructions to make its own decisions.
Since the creation of the microprocessor, there have been five different generations- each faster and more capable than the last.
• 1st generation (1971-1973) – Intel created microprocessor 4004, which only ran at 4-bits, was only able to add and subtract numbers;
• 2nd generation (1973-1978) – progressed to 8-bit processors, carried out through Motorola’s 6800/6801, Intel’s 8085 and Zilog’s Z80; • 3rd generation (1979-1980) – 16-bit processors included Intel’s 8086 and Zilog’s Z8000;
• 4th generation (1981-1995) – Intel’s 80960CA and Motorola’s 88100 were introduced as 32-bit processors;
• 5th generation (1995-present) – low margin, high performance and high speed 64-bit processors; include Pentium, Dual, Quad and Celeron processors by Intel Corporation.
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